Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cool Christianity

I have a mental list of things that I never expect to see in my life: snow in the middle of an Illinois summer; the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series; Doctors declaring hot fudge to be the healthiest food on earth, and the Pope making the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. I usually expect some current music sensation, or controversial individual to grace the cover of this less than holy periodical, so you can imagine my shock when I retrieved my husband's latest issue from the mailbox.  Instead of the Beatles, or any of the aforementioned personalities, there was the new Pope, Francis, waving and smiling back at me! Not known for their favorable articles on Christianity, or faith in general, I could only imagine that Rolling Stone was either dissing his Holiness, or worse yet, they liked him!!

 The article began with the author highlighting the humility of the new Vicar of Christ, and his devotion and empathy to the poor people of the world. No one can find fault with those wonderful qualities. As the story continues, the writer makes a comparison between Francis and his predecessor, Benedict on the topic of Judgement Day.  The now retired Benedict had this to say: "Today we are used to thinking: 'What is sin?  God is great, he understands us, so sin does not count; in the end God will be good to all.' It's a nice hope.  But there is justice, and there is real blame." Francis, on the other hand, is quoted as saying that we shouldn't be afraid, that on that day it will be something to look forward to, like attending a wedding where Jesus and all the saints in Heaven will be waiting there for us with open arms.  He implores the masses to go forth without fear, avanti senza paura.   Two very different pictures, and if I was the author, who I'm guessing is not a born again believer, I'd like the second scenario, too.  In fact he likes it so much that he basically calls the old Pope stodgy, and a dour academic, and dubs Francis as the "Cool Pope".

I got to thinking about that title.  Do I want to be known as a cool Christian?  Sure it sounds good, and may draw folks in, but if it means taking away from the veracity of scripture, you can keep calling me stodgy.  I have no fear about that upcoming event, because I am certain of my relationship with Christ and his promise to me concerning it. The fact is, there is a judgment for all mankind, and there is an outstanding debt to be paid, unless you have Paid in Full written on your personal account.

I'm convinced that most people, whether they identify with Christ or not, believe in God.  And it's much easier to believe in a God that grants entrance to paradise to everyone, than one who expects something of you. If you read further, a reporter attempting to pin the Pope down on gay marriage and abortion, received this answer: " My position is that of the Church. I'm a son of the Church."  Without verbalizing it, he stands with the teachings of Christ, but Rolling Stone made him sound wishy washy....personally, I don't think he is .
 We all want to hear the good, happy, warm and fuzzy news about getting to Heaven, not the rather unpleasant truth, but the truth is what we must hear. Scripture tells us this," For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions."  2 Timothy 4:3. We all have "itchy ears", when it comes to knowing the truths about God, don't be fooled into allowing the world to scratch them....only the authentic word will truly, and permanently, relieve that irritation.


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