Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Power of Praying Men

While eating lunch with some people, one of the men jokingly mentioned that he had been invited to a men’s prayer group.  He laughed and commented, “Can you imagine me being a part of a prayer group?”  The tone of his voice let everyone know how completely absurd he thought the notion was, and the others seemed to agree. My mind flashed back to Paul and Cyrus holding their own prayer meeting behind prison bars. “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose.” Acts 16:24-26.   With sold out conviction, and absolute faith that God would not only hear them, but answer, those mighty men of faith stormed heaven’s gate, and changed the natural direction of their circumstance. Were they embarrassed or self-conscious, was their masculinity in peril?  Perish the thought!! These guys were “REAL MEN”.  Men not afraid to say, “I depend on God to strengthen, empower, inspire and guide me in all my endeavors.“ It’s a sad, but true, commentary on the spiritual condition of the church that the idea of men praying has become a laughing matter. Many feel that praying is best left to clergy members, or ladies who gather for tea and cookies.  Balderdash!!  That’s exactly what our enemy wants us to think, and we’re falling right into his trap.  Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have, and to think that many men are dropping the baton, is frightening. If you haven’t been in scripture recently, check it out, men prayed, and because of that,  God accomplished amazing things. He still needs praying men to carry out the mighty deeds he has planned.  Let’s put an end to the notion that praying is “woman’s work”, and get some fellow believers together in prayer.  Then stand back and watch what God does…hey, I’ll even bake you some cookies!!!

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