Monday, June 17, 2013

Doing What You Please vs Pleasing God

It’s always interesting to peek into other people’s lives, and it’s not really invasion of privacy when “peeks” shows up on my Facebook page.  There are oodles of sites that allow you to “share” or “like” their pages, pictures and quotes.  Some are humorous, others thought provoking, still others silly, witty, or poignant, and then there are the “others“. By others I mean those that contain either crude language, ungodly sentiments or in general material that, we as Christians, should consider offensive.

There have been times that I’ve almost “liked” a post only to find out the FB page, that it is associated with, contains views contrary to mine as a believer.  Be careful before pushing that “like” button friends!  Anyway, one day I noticed that one of my friends had pushed the button, and now, not only I, but thousands of people were privy to what they had just “liked”.   Here’s, generally, what the quote they “liked” said,  “Life is too short, so today I’m going to do whatever the f--- I please!”  The not so funny thing is that many people, who call themselves Christ-followers, are the ones posting these sentiments.  While there are days, I have to sadly admit, when my old self would concur, thankfully the indwelling Holy Spirit guides my thoughts to a higher level.  What I should have posted in response was, “Eternity is too long, so today I’m going to do whatever pleases God!”

Don’t think that just because I’m a Christian I am above thinking ungodly thoughts, I humbly admit I do, but when they show up, the Spirit like Jiminy Cricket on Pinocchio’s shoulder thumps me on the head with his umbrella.  Think of some of God’s biggest heroes for a minute, King David in particular. He was not indwelled by God’s spirit, as we are now, but he still got the message of his sin through Nathan the prophet, and he was grateful. Later he went on to gush,  “Teach me to do what pleases you, for you are my God. May your kind Spirit lead me into a level land.”  Psalm 40:8 .

Are you truly desiring to do what pleases God?  The world sends us all kinds of mixed messages, don’t  be confused.  If you’re not feeling that gentle Holy Spirit nudge, I’d sure be asking myself why not. Unless you are blatantly going against God’s urgings, you may not be in full relationship with him. “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” Philippians 2:13.

Doing whatever you please today is a split second compared to eternity. Please, be pleasing God, and not yourself.  “And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.” 1 John 2:17.

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