Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I Am Convinced

“ I don’t have enough information to be an atheist.“ I heard a Christian make this reply to an atheist, when asked why he chose to believe in God.  Any decision, worth making, requires thoughtful inquiry which should include, among other things, gathering of pertinent facts, testing and retesting said facts, asking other people’s educated opinions on the subject and in-depth study.  What we are making a decision on, purchasing a car, choosing a profession, or even selecting a mate, all hinges on the conclusion our investigations come up with.  The same process holds true for the decision we are all asked to make about God.  Is he real; did he create the universe; are his promises true; was there a Jesus and did he purchase our salvation; and ultimately, what’s in it for me?

 Not unlike kicking the tires when we buy a car, God wants us to check him out thoroughly, and be convinced that the life-changing conclusion we arrive at is certifiable. Luckily, God has supplied us with all kinds of reliable sources.  Certainly the Bible, but there are also historical accounts written by  reliable scholars, not necessarily Christians, of the day. In addition, there are eye witness accounts of Christ’s miracles, his death, resurrection and ascension. In a court proceeding, the truthful testimony of an eyewitness is irrefutable, and makes for an airtight case.

 God has supplied us with more than enough truthful testimony to make his case.  On the flip side, what evidence does an atheist base his claim on?  Feelings? Scientific data? Those can be unreliable at best, but God is truth, and that should be sufficient in and of itself.  So go ahead and kick the tires, check under the hood and be sure to take a test drive, make sure your mind, heart, soul and spirit are made up and convinced. “For Christ’s love compels us, since we have reached this conclusion: If One died for all, then all died. And He died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the One who died for them and was raised.” 2 Corinthians 4:14.

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