Let’s face it, before Pentecost, they were a frightened, quaking bunch, seeking more to enter a “Witness Protection” program, than be witnesses. I can’t say I blame them, they not only saw the miraculous things Jesus did in his life, but they were there when he died that horrific death on the cross. We all know that changed when the promised comforter, the Holy Spirit, arrived and empowered them.
Being a witness doesn’t mean we pull out a soapbox, on the courthouse lawn, and start spouting fire and brimstone. Unfortunately, that’s what a lot of Christians, and non-Christians believe. The noun, witness, is: “an individual who, being present, personally sees or perceives a thing; a beholder, or spectator.” While we may not have “seen” Jesus, in the same first-hand way that the apostles did, our relationship with him should be as close or closer. Once we come into relationship with him, and begin growing in, and experiencing his Holy Spirit working through us, that should give us plenty to share with the world in the active verb form of witness! Most people are hesitant to witness because of ridicule, rejection, coming up against difficult questions, or because they don’t feel it’s their job.
So what does it mean to be a witness, or to witness? In the most basic sense it’s sharing our own salvation story with the world. People want to know how Christ has effected your life,

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