Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Honoring the Family Name

I like to watch the CBS Sunday Morning Show, before I leave for church each week.  The program features segments on all kinds of interesting things including art, science, architecture, food, styles and usually an interview with a current celebrity.  This past Sunday was no exception, Miranda Lambert was in the spotlight. I’m not a Country fan, but I like finding out something about an entertainer’s life.  Miranda is very popular as it turns out.  The interviewer asked about her childhood, how she got started singing, where she lived, hobbies, marriage etc.  She is quite a character, in all respects! Putting on a live show, numerous times throughout the year, she was filmed praying with her band,  something she does before every performance. An admirable activity, indeed.  Delving deeper, the interviewer asked her why.  Miranda explained that she liked to cuss and drink, so she thought it wise to stay connected to God through this ritual, or some words to that effect.

Now I’m not here to judge this young woman, prayer is never bad, but it did send up a red flag for me.  We, who call ourselves part of God’s family, have a family name to uphold.  My husband used to tell our kids, especially as teens going out on the weekend, to make sure that they didn’t bring any shame upon the Zerrusen name.  It gave them something to think about.  If they did get into mischief it would not only reflect poorly on themselves, but also our whole family.  When we make the decision to become a child of the Father, he makes it clear what his family rules are.  For example, “But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.” Ephesians 5:3  To be involved in any of these activities, as a professing Christian, not only offends our father, but puts the whole family in a bad light.
We are to be a sanctified, called apart, people, living in the world, but not tainted by it.  The only way that’s possible is to stay clear of participating in things that we already know are on the No-No list. Sure it’s not always easy, but when you love someone, you want to please them, and you certainly don’t want to drag the proud family name through the mud of worldliness.  Praying is pleasing to God only when it’s accompanied by repentance and a turning from sinful behaviors.  It is not a spiritual stain remover by itself, and God will never accept sin no matter how much we pray around it.  Please get rid of whatever it is that is bringing shame to the family name, if you’re not feeling convicted, I’d sincerely question your “bloodline”.

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