Monday, February 11, 2013

Dinner at Dad's

When a man I know angrily commented that some people only go to church to have “fun”, it got me thinking about how much I loved family suppers when I was a kid.  One of my favorite meals was, and still is,  baked  ham, Mom’s  potato salad and baked beans.  Later, over endless cups of hot tea, we’d nibble cookies and rehash our day, sharing our lives and receiving wise counsel from Dad. What a joy it would be, to get a call from my Dad, this evening, inviting me to come linger around that old oak table. My parents live over 300 miles away, so, sadly, I can’t just drop by anymore, but how great it would be.  Hopefully, when any family gathers for a meal, a similar scene is repeated.  The closeness and caring that is fostered at the dinner table is essential in keeping families strong.

The Bible talks about the ancient church in the book of Acts.  “All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer.” Acts 2:42.  I’ve done further reading on what was included in the fellowship and meals.  They came to be known as Agape, or Love Feasts, giant potlucks, I imagine, which preceded the teaching, prayer and celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Much like any family supper, people enjoyed sharing food, wisdom, life experiences, conversation and yes, fun.

It seems that some onlookers, thought this was strange behavior.  Worship of a deity was  serious business, and there was no room for enjoyment, or heaven forbid, FUN!!!  I assume, that if God had been unhappy with this set up, He would have put His big foot down and discouraged it, but He didn’t. In fact the church grew,  with thousands joining at a time!  It was the hub of Holy Spirit activity with healings and supernatural phenomenon happening daily. Who wouldn’t want to go to God’s for supper?  But something happened,  somewhere along the line, and those wonderful gatherings ended.  Old stodgy thinking crept back in; church leaders reasoned that spending time with God must be austere, rote, regulated, and for Heaven’s sake, NO FUN allowed!!  As the centuries passed, the once casual-family meal, evolved into a beautifully elaborate, yet distant affair.

Why do we assume that the more pious and quiet we are , the more pleasing our worship is to God?  If  my family just sat at the table, without acknowledging or talking to one another, my Dad would wonder what was wrong.  I’m not here to say that there is anything wrong with quiet reverence during a worship service, “be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10,  but enjoying each others company isn‘t a sin either.  Certainly the  purpose of any repast is food consumption, at home it physically feeds us and during worship, spiritually.  Never forget, first and foremost, we gather at “Dad’s” table to receive our sustenance, but the fellowship, and, yes, fun, that results doesn’t insult God, it’s His joy!! “Worship the LORD with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy.” Psalm 100:2.

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