Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lost and Found

Lost; what a sad, hopeless word.  Traveling down busy interstate 57 one Saturday afternoon, my husband slowed the car down from 75mph to 35.  Stunned, I looked up to see what had caused him to make this radical, and dangerous change in speed.  In our lane of traffic stood two, frightened fawns, so young they still had their white spots.  Why were they on the road, and where was Mama?  At the same moment, we both remembered passing a dead doe about a mile back.  Had that been their mother, were they  orphaned, lost and alone in this big scary world?  Joe honked the horn, and they high-tailed it into the woods, but I couldn’t stop thinking about what would become of those abandoned creatures.  Have you ever experienced being lost?  I can remember wandering off from a picnic, when I was about 5, and finding myself separated from my family.  Even now a tinge of  panic, that even a grape popsicle couldn’t make better,  remains.  Of course my story ended with a joyful reunion, but not all do.  When you think of it, spiritually, there are only two groups of people in the world; the lost and the found. The found are those who have, through seeking, come to realize who Christ is, have individually accepted his Lordship, and entered into relationship with him.  The lost are those who haven’t. I knew I was lost, those 50+ years ago, but many today don’t even realize it.  Only those who have gone from lost to found can fully appreciate the difference.  Thank God, I came to know that emotion twice in my life.  Just as my parents were frantically searching for me, Jesus is still doing the same for all of us.  “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." Luke 19:10. I once was lost, but now I’m found…Praise God, His grace still amazes me!!

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