Thursday, July 19, 2012

Voluntary Ignorance?

I read this statement of “belief” on the “I’m Proud to be an Atheist” Facebook page : “Faith isn‘t a virtue; It is the glorification of voluntary ignorance.” Well silly me, all these years I’ve been under the delusion that faith, among other things, was a gift of the Holy Spirit. Boy do I feel ignorant! It is amazing to me that many atheists love to lump all Christians and or theists into one package marked STUPID. From where I stand, it seems a lot easier, mentally, to be an atheist than a Christian. You get to rack up scripture, books written about God, and historical /eye-witness accounts, etc. as mere fodder for simple minds.  Plus you, yourself, get to free up a massive amount of brain cells!  Looking back, there was a great deal of personal study, questioning, weighing of options, and debating preceding my decision to follow Christ.  Why in the world would God want a bunch of brainless ninnies representing him?  He tells us very clearly that he requires us to be anything but morons.  Instead true believers must be ready to love and serve him with every bit of our body, soul and, yes, intellect!! “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your MIND and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30. I’m Proud to be a Christian with every fiber, and brain cell of my being, and always will be.  So let the opposition boast, “I’m an Atheist, thank God”,  (LOL), I will stand strong, and intelligent in Christ !!

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