Wednesday, August 20, 2014

At Just the Right Time

When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Romans 5:6.

 I’ve mentioned, in previous blogs, the fact that I like to watch old Gunsmoke reruns.  Marshall Matt Dillon always seemed to happen along at the most opportune time to prevent a gun fight, save a person from an untimely death, or a serious injury they might have suffered in a barroom brawl. Whatever the scenario, been, Matt had an uncanny sense of knowing when to intervene. The similarity between he and Jesus ends there.  Matt was human, and couldn’t be everywhere to save everyone, even if he really wanted to, and his death wouldn’t have helped one bit.

Have you ever felt utterly helpless?  Maybe it was when a loved one was sick, or after the death of a close friend or relative. Helpless means unable to help oneself; weak or dependent; deprived of strength or power; powerless; incapacitated.  Mankind was, and still is helpless without Christ.  Oh, we like to think we’re self-sufficient, but the fact is no human endeavor is accomplished on our own, NO THING!  “….apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5.  Every skill or talent that we need to complete any task has been provided for us by our Creator.  Some will scoff at me for making that statement, but I defy you to give me another source.  But all of that pales in the face of what Jesus did on the cross for us.  He secured eternal life for us, while we were still miserable sinners.  Sure he did it once and for all over 2000 years ago, but every time an individual comes to faith in Christ, then and now, it is precisely at the right time in their life.  Like Matt Dillon storming through the swinging doors of the Long Branch to rescue Miss Kitty, our personal realization of what Jesus did for each of us comes at our own right time.  There is no way to earn Heaven.  We can’t latch onto our godly parents coat tails and ride our way in with them.  Church attendance, membership, even baptism won’t secure it.  So you see, we’re still utterly helpless without him.  The good news is, you don’t have to remain in that miserable state, and today could be your right time.

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