As Christians we have lots of choices thrown at us every minute. What to wear, eat, read, watch on TV, and so on. Paul was writing this to the newly formed church in Corinth. Before we go on, you need to know that Corinth, a large city in Greece, was a wild and crazy place. “If it feels good, do it“, could have been their motto. In fact, they believed that the surest way to please the gods was to use their bodies to the fullest. Eating, drinking, sexual pleasures, you name it, they were doing it. The gods must have loved them! Even the rest of the country thought they were libertines, and referred to anyone, any where who lived this unbridled lifestyle, as a Corinthian. When in Corinth…! Any way, when these folks accepted Christ, through Paul’s teaching, they must have thought that because they were “saved”, they could continue doing what they had been doing. Old habits don’t die without a struggle. Consider this, they had been participating in this lascivious behavior for years, and it had not only been acceptable, but godly, now Paul was telling them just the opposite. It didn’t compute.
When I was a kid, I was aware of the activities that were permissible with my parents, and those that were not. When I ventured into, or close to a taboo area, I knew it. Not because they were watching me, but because deep down I knew they would be hurt, angry and I might get in big trouble. To be honest, sometimes I forged ahead any way. If they found out, would they disown me, no, but it put a strain on our relationship. When I became a Christian, an amazing thing happened, the Holy Spirit took up residence in me. He, unlike my Mom and Dad, saw, and knew, everything I did. I still faced those decisions, but this time I knew I wouldn’t be just disappointing my parents, I’d be disappointing God. I have to admit, there were times when I ignored His urgings and plowed ahead. Those times didn’t turn out well, but I learned to be obedient in the future. I’m still a work in progress.
Knowing that what our body consumes, be it food, books, movies etc. is also being shared with God’s Holy Spirit, should make us think twice before devouring it. If it doesn’t, and you aren’t experiencing his Spirit grieving within you, then I would seriously question if He’s in residence at all. As I said at the beginning, lots of choices will come our way, please be selective. Everyone knows the big sins, those listed in the 10 Commandments, they’re easy to resist, but it’s those in the gray area that cause us problems. Off color joking, racy books and TV programs, remember you’re subjecting the Holy Spirit to them too. Sure you can justify that they aren’t really sins, and while that may be true, they aren’t doing anything to build you up as a Christian either. Kind of like junk food, the cumulative effects of these “junk-sins”, are what is so damaging.

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