Friday, April 20, 2012


If you remember your Old Testament, you may be familiar with the story of Moses when he returned to the people, for the second time, with the Ten Commandments.  He was all aglow, literally!  So much so that the people were afraid to approach him, so he covered his face with a veil. He hadn‘t even been aware of his own luminosity, and it was all because he had spoken with the Lord!  Nowadays, the only time we say a person glows is when they are pregnant or in love.  Personally, I think we should be shiny all the time.  What a wonderful conversation starter it would be….Someone to me, “My, Donna you sure are aglow today. New blusher?”  Me, “No, better, I’ve just been talking to God, and it rubs off.” I‘m sure there are those who will shake their heads, and roll their eyes, but those who are in the know, will understand. There should be something different about us.  Eventually, Moses’ glow faded, and out of embarrassment, he kept the veil on.  In the same way, the glory of the old covenant dimmed, as the brightness of the new one replaced it. So, get out there and bask in His “sonlight”, no Coppertone required! “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18.  

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