Thursday, September 27, 2012


“God will give to each person according to what he has done. To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.” Romans 2:7.

It’s not easy to be persistent, and when I saw this little green shoot pushing through a railroad tie, it reminded me of that fact. Trying to live a healthy lifestyle, for example, takes effort.  You have to be consistent about diet and exercise, in the face of fast food restaurants, tantalizing commercials, and friends who tempt you to stray. Now consider your life in Christ.  Trying to maintain godly behavior in a godless society is tough.  Those same kinds of assaults that try to undermine our physical health, are working to trip us up spiritually.

 At first glance, this scripture seems to say that God is going to reward us for doing more stuff, works etc., but that can be done without the help of His son.  The next sentence states that he is looking for persistence in doing good.  Ah ha!  Sure we’re bound to mess up, and fall short in all aspects of our lives, but when we regroup and keep on going, that’s what pleases God.  Never forget that willpower alone can’t enable us to persist, only Holy Spirit empowerment can….and it is living within us!!  So learn a lesson from that green shoot, despite drought, freight trains and inhospitable terrain, persist in growing towards the sun, or in our case, The Son!!

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