Friday, January 4, 2013

Insufficient Grace

Insufficient Grace. “Wait a minute“, you say, “that’s an oxymoron!”  Thank you for correctly noting the obvious, because, yes it is!  The sad truth is, however, we Christians love to add on “extras” to God’s promise of salvation.  Sure, we say, I’m saved by grace, but I must do good works, honor feast days, be baptized in a certain way, at a particular age, using “correct” words, not cut my hair, eat or not eat certain foods or beverages, etc., just to be sure. How dare we!  If Christ’s sacrifice was not sufficient, why did God even bother to go through with it?  Can any human deed or action, add merit to his shed blood?  Of course not, so why do we keeping trying?

 In my opinion, most people, and churches, think that anything that seems too good to be true, must have a catch. There has to be an asterisk somewhere that leads you to the fine print.  Now for the good news; there is nothing we can to add to improve on God’s grace.   Does that mean that all man-made doctrines and traditions are bad or useless? No, but don’t confuse them with genuine, “Sufficient Grace”, which is a done deal. “When sins are forgiven, there is no longer any need to sacrifice for sins.” Hebrews 10:18.

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