Thursday, May 16, 2013

God For Strength

Why do you “go to church”?  Habit, fear of hell, family tradition/pressure, social acceptability?  Sadly, these are the reasons many people would give, if they were truthful about it.  One person told me they go because, “I’m weak, and human“.  I likened it to  taking vitamins everyday, it made sense. Then God shared this with me: If you went to a gym, worked out everyday, and took supplements, shouldn’t your physical body become stronger?  Hmm, that God, can’t argue with his logic. I think what the “weak” human was trying to say was, they had certain habits, vices, sins, call them what you will, that they didn’t want to part with, even though they knew God didn’t approve.  So, to offset the imbalance, they went to church, convincing themselves that, God would be so pleased to see them there, He would nod, wink his approval, and look the other way, letting them keep their weakness. Problem is, that’s not how God operates.  God doesn’t want us to stay weak and puny, He wants us to grow strong in Him.  Going to church should change us, if not it’s like going to the gym for an hour, standing, motionless, on the treadmill, and dusting off the dumb bells. Muscle mass doesn’t develop like that, and neither does our spiritual body.  It’s not easy to get up and exercise, or eat a healthy diet daily, you have to put yourself into it, but the results are worth it.  If you’re experiencing spiritual weakness, ask God to give you the desire to get into his word, and it will pump you up.  Our human weaknesses can, and must, be overcome, that‘s what really pleases God.  Those who make regular visits to his gym, will build spiritual muscle. Besides, who would willingly choose weakness over strength? “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:15

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