Monday, March 5, 2012


Have you ever driven through a dense fog?  It’s frightening.   The familiar becomes strange and dangerous, even radio signals can be effected.  From my “safe” rural road, I daily turn onto busy route 40, but on a foggy day I’m often briefly filled with a sense of impending doom, thinking “ Will I be hit by a truck, and this be my last day on earth?”  Many times, in our lives, it may feel like we’re maneuvering through fog-shrouded streets.  Nothing feels right, even though the surroundings are unchanged, that’s when we can lose our spiritual bearings, even God’s voice becomes inaudible.  Without direction it’s a quick slide into calamity.  What do you do?  Turn to the word.  It never changes, and always guides you safely home.  God never promises to be a huge searchlight, and if you‘ve ever turned on your brights in fog you know it only makes visibility worse.  King David explains it like this, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105.  Don’t continue to wander around in the hazy darkness, switch on His beam, and be guided safely through.

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