Monday, November 12, 2012

Freedom Isn't Free

Freedom Isn’t Free.  “He saved us from our enemies. His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 136:24. Most of us take our country and freedom for granted, just because we don’t know any other life.  I remember, during the Viet Nam War, hearing Walter Cronkite announce the death count every evening.  After a while I became immune, even callous to the big numbers.  Sadly, I never put a face to the statistic, or to a grieving family.  When my own precious son, Sean Zerrusen,  was deployed to Iraq, that all changed.  What was once a boring report, hit much too close to my home. Thank God, he made it back safely, but he, like so many others, bear silent scars.  For Sean, one of those scars is the memory of a young soldier in his unit, who became one of those numbers.  The military gets a lot of bad press, but I want to take this time to heartily thank all veterans.  We are the land of the free, because of the brave!!

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