Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Genuine Worship

My little grand daughter, Ella, and I are tight.  We adore each other, and we let each other know it.  She’ll say, “I love you Nonna”, then I one up her with, “I love you more!”  We make it a game, fully aware that we can never out do each other in “ worshiping” the ground each other walks on.

I use the word worship, here, only to make a point; those whom we love, we naturally shower with affection, verbally and physically. When a relationship, based on mutual love, is formed, nothing can hold back the flow of expression. Now, think of your worship experience with God, can you compare it to any human love experience?   If not, why not?

It may seem like God demands our worship, but that’s not it at all.  Just as adoration develops, unforced, between spouses or parents and children, so too should our desire to worship God.  His loving compassion is evident to those who love him, and worship is our natural response, or it should be. If you think worship is just a time of singing, or spending time in a religious environment, I think it’s time you hooked up your Love-O-Meter.  If nothing is registering, I think you need to be questioning your relationship with the object of your Love.  Have you ever committed to Him personally, vowing undying love to one another, or are you just going through the motions? “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” Matthew 15:9.

Lack of love won’t keep earthly relationships alive, and it’s impossible to worship God if you don’t really know and love Him. Examples of authentic worship abound in the scriptures, do yourself a favor and read them.  As King David wrote, “Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise! No one can measure his greatness.”  Psalm 145:3.  I pray today that you allow God to love you, and that you reciprocate, wholeheartedly. “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”  Deuteronomy 6:5, then you will know what genuine worship is.

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