Wednesday, August 28, 2013

For Your Good

"Now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require from you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and love Him, and to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the LORD'S commandments and His statutes which I am commanding you today for your good?” Deuteronomy 10:12-13. I’ve read this passage many times before, but recently I heard someone read it, and the last part jumped out at me….”for your good.”

 How many times do you remember your parents saying to you, “this is for your own good”? Whether it was a punishment, a terrible tasting medicine, music lessons, or a task that that you weren’t eager to accomplish, that phrase never had a pleasant ring attached to it. But let’s take a step back and see this from God’s perspective.  He has clearly told us what he expects from us, in terms of behavior,  none of which is too difficult, and we know he means it all for good, so what gives?  As I see it, problems arise, for most people, not so much in the actions themselves, but rather in being told to by a higher authority to do them.

Why is it that we balk when it comes to obediently doing what we’re told, especially when we know that they’re for our good? Way back at the get go, Adam and Eve were the first to inaugurate human disobedience.  They had everything they could possibly want, and God had explained the rules, so why oh why did they mess it up for all of us? Obviously God gave us the desire to question and break away from what is good for us, have you been around a 2 year old lately? Unlike a toddler, who doesn’t understand what is for his own good, and needs to be reminded, we have experience and knowledge, and still go astray. For example, most people would agree that seatbelt use is for our own safety, but because the law states that we must put them on, many won’t, only for that reason.  

God requires us to walk in His ways, not to curtail our enjoyment of life, in fact just the opposite.  He wants us to experience the fullness that accompanies obedience.  When rebellion starts to rear its ugly head, and it will, ask the Holy Spirit to help you recognize it for what it is, a dangerous detour from God’s protection.  Each day as you walk out into a world of perils, be  sure to buckle up His safety belt of obedience….it’s for your good!!

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