Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I Am Complete

Earlier this summer, my husband and I took our two oldest grandkids, Ty and Ella, on a road trip.  We traveled down to Paducah, KY making stops along the way. While passing though Metropolis, IL, Ty spied this phone booth-looking thing.  He kept yelling excitedly that it was a TARDIS. Never having heard the term, I thought he said tortoise…silly me.  In actuality a TARDIS, which stands for, Time and Relative Dimension in Space, is a sort of time machine/spaceship found in the British Dr. Who series.  Ty is a fan, needless to say.  We turned around and I snapped a picture.  He was thrilled, but really wanted a TARDIS of his own, who wouldn’t?  We couldn’t find one, but on my trip to England in September, I happened to find a shirt and a pen with a TARDIS on it.  As he tore through his bag of goodies we brought home, he came to the shirt.  It was a bit too small, but no matter, he put it on over the one he was wearing, and was about to burst with joy, when I told him to dig deeper in the bag.  Pulling out candy bars and socks he uncovered the TARDIS pen.  Dramatically he withdrew the precious item and held it up proudly announcing to us all that, “Now I am complete!”  I had to laugh at this typical Ty response, but it got me thinking about what makes us COMPLETE.  

Ty’s 10 year old self was indeed serious about being made complete, but give him another month and he‘ll need something else to fulfill him.  What about you?  Is there something that you yearn for, the thing that you are certain will fill that empty void and make you whole?  We‘ve all sought after our own TARDIS, only to find that when we have it in our possession, it never quite fills that need completely. So then, what will truly complete us?  It‘s pretty obvious where I‘m going with this, it is a relationship with the one who created that empty spot in the first place.  I don‘t mean trying to adhere to religious rules, doing good deeds, or even church attendance, but entering into a life-altering relationship with God.  Believe me you will know when you are there, have no doubts about it.  But maybe you have doubts, are you still seeking the elusive TARDIS?  Well search no more.  The apostle Paul knew that perishable, human stuff would never satisfy or complete us, and he wrote this to the church at Colossi, “For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.” Colossians 2:9-10.  Do you have questions?  Let me know, or start reading the scriptures and ask God to reveal his TARDIS, then you will be able to say, "I am Complete!"

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