Monday, November 25, 2013

Make the Wise Choice

One of my favorite TV shows is, House Hunters International.  If you’ve never seen it, buyers/renters look at a number of homes, that meet some of their search criteria, and then make a decision based on what they’ve seen.  Each property offers some of the features they want,  but none contain everything.  I  try to guess which one they’ll choose, but I’m not always right.

In life we’re always faced with decisions, options and choices, in everything from homes, clothing, food, cars even relationships.  The wise person gathers all the information he can, in order to make the best choice. For example, let’s say you are faced with deciding between 2 homes.  One is affordable, soundly built, and has low taxes, but doesn‘t have the wow factor.  The other has none of the sensible features, but has curb appeal galore.  The wise person, taking into account all the information about the properties, and having them both thoroughly inspected, finds that the more appealing house has termites, a leaking roof and ultra-high taxes.  The choice is obvious, he buys the plain Jane.  On the other hand, a foolish consumer, who has the same information at his disposal, picks the more appealing one, based solely on outward appearances.

A fool, then, is the person who, after checking out both options, chooses the inferior for one reason or another.  Sounds crazy, but throughout scripture we read about people who were faced with similar choices, and how their personal selections changed not only their lives, but ours and history as well.  All of us, every human being on planet earth, is asked to make the ultimate decision; do we believe in God, and in his son’s redemptive work on the cross, or not?  All the information we need, to make an educated decision, is readily available.  God doesn’t want us to merely go along with what a particular church instructs you to do, he demands we make the informed choice on our own.

Where do you want to live, eternally?  Foolishly in the house of sin that looks good on the exterior, and costs an “arm and a leg” and then some, literally. Or will you wisely move into the indestructible mansion  that will never collapse, and the price has already been paid.  Weigh all the options seriously and prayerfully, it’s a lifelong commitment either way, choose wisely. “A wise man’s heart inclines him to the right, but a fool’s heart to the left.” Ecclesiastes 10:2.

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