Friday, April 12, 2013

No Grace in Stupid

“There is no grace in stupid.” Karli Zerrusen Feldhake.  My daughter came up with this very wise statement, while discussing the use of this word.  To label anyone, or anything stupid, is always harsh and demeaning, but it is especially cruel when it is uttered by Christians of one denomination describing Christians of another.   While disagreements on doctrine, traditions etc. are bound to arise, to call the differences, or the people, stupid is unbefitting behavior for a child of God. Let‘s say that I invited a person to my house for a meal.
 If said guest used the wrong fork for the salad, or made some other etiquette faux pas, it would be rude to point it out, giggle or mock his behavior.  Perhaps that‘s how he was taught at home, and while not up to Emily Post‘s standards, ridicule won‘t change him, it will only make him avoid me.  In a similar way, churches hold different opinions on baptism, communion, worship styles etc., based on how they interpret the Bible. One of the first questions I’ll have for God, when I get to heaven, is why he left the scriptures so open to various interpretations, when unity was his goal.  Personally, I think he loves the creativity we display in our forms of honoring and worshiping him.  Is there any stupid way to worship God?  Is there any stupid picture that your kids or grandkids draw for you?

How we worship, should always be scripturally based, but the “colors” and media we use will vary….how neat is that! Therefore, our words should be encouraging, edifying and enlightening, and filled with grace, especially to brothers and sisters in Christ. If we see another Christian, worshiping in a way we want to label as stupid, hold off on employing that word.  Instead, ask God to show you if it is indeed lacking in Biblical truth, and only then, lovingly approach the subject, allowing his Holy Spirit to guide your conversation. “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:6.  I hope you will stop and think before you’re ever tempted to use this ugly word, and remember there is no grace in stupid.

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