Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Paul, Barney and Tim

Who’s in your posse? We all have certain people we enjoy hanging out with. Usually we share similar interests and backgrounds, or they are just easy to get along with.  I’d like to add to that group three Biblically referenced personalities who would benefit us greatly.  1. It would behoove us all to have a pal like St. Paul.  A Paul is the type of friend we can learn from.  Perhaps they have a strong marriage, or they demonstrate sincere devotion to their job, church or family, whatever that positive quality is, sidle up next to them and learn.  2. Barnabas is next in line. Barney is the guy we all want to be around.  He is an encourager, in fact the Barnabas we meet in scripture was nicknamed the “Son of Encouragement”.  It was this same man who smoothed the way for Paul to meet the other Apostles, even though they were all apprehensive and fearful of him. Barney also builds you up, but not in a phony way, no, this guy always tells you the truth in love. Who doesn’t need a friend like that? 3. Lastly, after we have been educated and encouraged, we could use a Timothy.  Timothy was the young man who traveled and learned from Paul, then later went out preaching on his own.  We need to share our knowledge, and love for God, by reinvesting into that kind of person.  It is our honor and responsibility to pass along all that we have garnered from others to the waiting world. Ask God to send you  a Paul, a Barney and a Tim, you know he has them waiting for you!  “Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.” Colossians 3:16

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