Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blown Away

Dandelions are the scourge of gardeners around the globe.  However, most people will reluctantly admit that the first spring sighting of those shaggy, yellow heads is very pretty; then we get out the Round-Up!!  If they’re not dug up, down to the root, or burned out with chemicals, the next phase is the dreaded puff balls; so delicate, yet so virulent. The potential of millions of new dandelions floating in each gentle zephyr.

God must have created them to teach us patience, or maybe they just came as part of the curse after the fall.  Either way, they still blow me away, because they represent the opposite of overkill, more like “over-life“.  But think about it, God does the same thing with maple trees, all variety of seeds, even we humans, one little egg and countless sperm….overlife!

We can learn a spiritual lesson from the persistent dandelion, keep sending out the seed, in the form of God’s word.  There will be those who won’t accept it, keep sowing.  There will be those prepared to douse the word with Round Up, keep sowing!  We may not know which seeds will grow, and where, which is OK, our only responsibility is to keep sending out the seed, God will do the harvesting. “Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well.” Ecclesiastes 11:6.  So don’t sit idly around, get into the Bible then let God’s Holy Spirit breathe through you so His word can be “Blown Away” !!

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