Tuesday, August 7, 2012


You‘ve all heard this hypothetical situation before.  The scene opens with an angry, militant mob breaking into your home. They are members of a new, godless regime that has taken over our country, demanding that Christians either renounce God or die.  You have mere seconds to make your decision, as the leader grabs your child.  What do you do?  I’ve had this question posed to me many times.  I’ve agonized over it, until finally I asked God, “What would you have me do?”  I had rationalized that denying Him, with fingers crossed behind my back, wasn’t really a denial, only a ruse to save my, and my family’s skin.  It seemed the only “logical” thing to do. God had me look at it beyond my “logic”.  The implications of my action, while preserving me for a time, would come back to devour me.  My home was henceforth marked as part of the enemy’s camp.  I was now, one of them.  Even worse, my children had just witnessed me deny God, proving to them that, despite what I had preached, I must believe that He was neither all powerful, nor sovereign.   From that day on, our home would be closely monitored, and we must all preach the new godless gospel, or die. To save my skin, I had sold my soul. Was it really worth it?  Even if they had killed us, we would have been freed from tyranny, and gained heaven. That’s a very harsh story, and I pray we never have to face such a dilemma, but many Christians, throughout the world, are.  Even here, in the land of “In God We Trust”, do we really believe?  Is it easier, or more politically correct to follow the majority, leaving Him out of our actions or conversation, in essence denying him?  Sadly, for many so-called Christians, it is. None of us wants to feel like the oddball in any life situation, but the truth is, when we choose to follow Christ, we are….get used to it, embrace it!  We are proud to brag about our favorite sports team or political candidate, so why do we feel so awkward when it comes to glorifying our Creator?  Jesus gives us this to think about, “I tell you the truth, everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, the Son of Man will also acknowledge in the presence of God’s angels. But anyone who denies me here on earth will be denied before God’s angels. Luke 12:8-9.  No need for megaphones or pom pons, but do give him the recognition he rightfully deserves.

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