Tuesday, August 28, 2012


“Christians have made the gospel about so many things-things other than Christ.  Religious concepts, ideas, doctrines, strategies, methods, techniques, and formulas have all eclipsed the beauty, the glory, and the reality of the Lord Jesus Himself. On the whole, Christians today are starved for a real experience of the living Christ.  We know a lot about our Lord, but we don’t know Him very well.  We know a lot about trying to be like Jesus, but very little about living by His indwelling life.”  From the dust jacket of,  Jesus Manifesto, by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola.  I just finished reading this book, and outside of the Bible, I can’t think of another book that has had such a profound influence on me.   We have made Christianity into so many things, not all bad mind you, but not what Christ intended.  In the most basic sense, Jesus told us, that after his ascension,  we were to continue proclaiming the gospel, the good news.  And what is the good news?  Simply speaking, that through Christ’s sacrificial death, the sins of the world are forgiven, we receive his grace, and a restored relationship with God, IF WE BELIEVE!!  Somehow, over the centuries, the church has played down this awesome plan, replacing it with the above mentioned “stuff”.  Nothing can, nor should, trump Jesus, and not only the knowledge of him, but the power of his indwelling being. Do you really believe that he, who is the King of the Universe, creator of all things, amazing, glorious, incredible Living Lord has chosen to place all his “wonder-fullness” in YOU?  Sure it’s hard to imagine, but Christ told us over and over that that was his plan.  What ecstasy to know we are empowered by Him.  Who would turn down a deal like that?  Sadly, many, because they just don’t believe. God longs to reassure us.  Don’t believe me, get into his word and confirm it yourself, and BELIEVE!  “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” John 14:23

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