Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Super-Size Me!

Every time I drive through McDonalds, for a burger, the clerk asks me if I would like to “super-size” my order. That’s too much food, calories and money for me!  But, I like the word super, because it implies something more than the average.  For example: Super-Wal-Mart; Super-Man; Super-Mario; and Super-Bowl.  How about Super-Natural?  Hmm, that means more than what I can understand, and I don’t comprehend all the natural!!  I think I’ll stick to the super stuff  I “get”.  Unfortunately that would leave a lot on the table.  Just because I can’t figure something out, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.  The Internet: I rest my case.  We inhabit natural bodies.  We are born, live, grow, and eventually die.  We all can agree on that.  But there is, all around us, the realm of the Super-natural.  Natural that is not only above average, but light years beyond. And, even though I can’t explain it, or see it, sure doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.  God, who is spirit and life, occupies this rarefied space, and he not only invites us to share it with him, but to operate in it!  Just like Jesus, we can be healing the sick, casting out demons, restoring sight to the blind, all sorts of super-natural activities and more! Little, old me, who can’t even figure out her cell phone?  Yes, it’s another promise!  “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing.  He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.“ John 14:12.  I don’t know about you, but I want in on this deal!!  Go ahead God, Super-Size me!!

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