Monday, October 29, 2012

Creationism vs Evolution

Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian #9:“YOU FEEL INSULTED and "DEHUMANIZED" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.” The subject of Creationism vs. Evolution, is as volatile as a get together of the Hatfields and McCoys, bullets are going to fly!!! First of all, as a Christian, the theory of evolution shouldn’t threaten or “dehumanize” us; we know where we came from, where we’re going and who’s the architect. We are convinced, because we rely on the authenticity of scripture. Can we prove creationism beyond a shadow of doubt, of course not, but neither can evolutionists prove that their theory is 100% correct. Regardless of your stand, the complexity, and amazing function found in a single human cell, has many unbelievers giving a nod to what now has become known as “intelligent design“. God‘s name isn‘t mentioned, but it is 
obvious, from even a topical study, that a creative force must have been employed. Do the math, Big Bang/Evolutionists present this equation: Nothing x No One= Everything. Math was never my strong suit, but I know that anything multiplied by 0 is going to be 0!! That’s like saying that an explosion in a print factory resulted in Webster’s Dictionary! In talking to the “opposition”, as always, remember to be respectful of their stand, but do ask them what proven facts they are building their case on. I have posed this question to atheists, “How did gender come to be?” Let’s suppose a life form did emerge from a puddle of slime, and suppose said form was a male. What are the odds that another, similar-looking, but wildly different, female form would either evolve from the male, or slither out right after him? We owe much of the basis for this controversy to Charles Darwin’s “Evolution of the Species”. Before his theory was published, Creationism had never come under suspicion. Let the critics call Creationism ignorance, or turning a blind eye to scientific findings, it all boils down to, faith in God, or not. The belief, that I have been personally hand-crafted, yes from clay/dirt, by a loving Creator, who then breathed his life-giving breath into my nostrils, may sound far fetched to outsiders, but not to those in the family. In this enlightened age, schools teach evolution, without a nod to creationism or intelligent design. In fact, many who have attempted to teach anything other than evolution, have found themselves unemployed, even black-balled! Once again, we are faced with justifying our personal beliefs to those shrouded in delusion, and it is difficult. But, keep the light on, some will be drawn to it! “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7. 

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