Monday, October 22, 2012

Strong Delusion

“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.” 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.

This section of scripture bothers me, a lot.  When I first read it, it appeared to me that God was purposely clouding the vision of “would be” believers.  I was mad, and I told God so.  “What kind of parent are you, who would give up on your own misguided child?”, I not so nicely inquired.  God, as always, seemed to chuckle in the face of my annoyance, which annoyed me all the more!  Why would God send a powerful delusion?  I just didn't get it.  Over the next couple of weeks I kept after Him to answer me.  Today He started to reveal what he meant.  Every person is given an opportunity to know the truth; to come to an understanding of God’s plan of salvation. However, His and our adversary, Satan, doesn't want us to understand.  The Prince of this world wields a lot of power, and don’t forget it. He has the ability to perform miracles and do cool stuff that draw individuals to his camp, at the same time God is calling to us.  He then pointed out the word, refused, to me.  To refuse means to turn down something, in this case, God’s offer of truth.  Instead, they choose to accept the counterfeit.

God won’t strong arm anyone, and when He steps aside the delusion rushes in surrounding the “refuser” like a thick fog.  God allows it to happen, even if it breaks his heart.  Remember the old story of a kid who wanted to smoke a cigar, and when he finally gets a hold of one his father catches him before he lights up.  He pleads with him to stop, pointing out all the health concerns and risks, but the child refuses to believe him.  The father then says, “Well go ahead and smoke it, the whole thing!”  The next scene shows the now green-faced, nauseated youth gasping for air, pleading with his dad to let him quit.  Our Father knows what’s best for us, but sometimes he has to let us find out the hard way.  I plead with you today, don’t ever get to the point where God sends that delusion.  If you have doubts about him, seek answers from godly sources, and don’t be lured into smoking that cigar!!

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